

新型コロナウイルスの感染拡大防止について( A message on COVID-19)

To our valued clients and partners:

The situation we’re now all facing is unprecedented and a powerful reminder that we are all connected and part of a global community. We all play a role in protecting ourselves, our colleagues and global neighbors from harm, as best we can.We are being challenged in new ways every single day and being compelled to think differently and adapt to this rapidly changing environment.

・We use web application systems (meet, skype) for necessary meetings.

・Site supervision of going projects will be held on line or web.

・All staffs will be shifted on telework.

・We refrain from long distance business trip.







ロンドン建築賞受賞:The Outstanding Property Award London (OPAL) winner

We are pleased to inform you that our “eeGee stay hotel Renovation” Project with the client of Hamatomo shouji won the winner at The Outstanding Property Award London (OPAL).

The Outstanding Property Award London objective is to celebrate and reward creative and outstanding craftsmanship in the worlds most unique property developments.

We sincerely thank every last staff member and artisan who contributed to this project. Our firm will continue to put forth its best efforts in every design we undertake, and we appreciate your continued support in our endeavors.


Publication( 雑誌掲載 ): 「Asia design prize 2020」

The award of our work with client 「Asia design prize 2020」 got published on some magazines article in Japan.



アジアデザインプライズ受賞(韓国) <ASIA DESIGN PRIZE 2020 winner>

Our “eeGee stay (hotel facility) ” Project Won the ASIA DESIGN PRIZE 2020

We are pleased to inform you that our firm’s “eeGee stay Oomiya” was awarded the Asia design prize 2020.We sincerely thank every last staff member and artisan who contributed to this project. Our firm will continue to put forth its best efforts in every design we undertake, and we appreciate your continued support in our endeavors.

Asia Design Prize is an international design prize among designers in the world. This competition discovers novel design concepts and ideas that will lead the future and promote them to the world. Asia Design Prize began as a design contest that explores concept designs to solve social problems in Asia. Design capable of solving problems in Asia such as weather anomaly, polarization, racial discrimination, and food shortage is one of important screening categories along with industrial design, visual design, and spatial design. It will continue to explore social impact designs and make the world a better place.

弊社にて設計させていただきました「イージステイ大宮(ホテル施設)」がASIA DESIGN PRIZE 2020を 受賞いたしました。本案件にて多大なご協力をいただきました施工会社の皆様方、クライアントの方にこのご報告出来る事を大変嬉しく思います。今後も国内外全てのプロジェクトにおいて弛まぬ努力をして参りますので引き続きご協力の程よろしくお願い申し上げます。
