

中国福建省 マンションリノベーション プロジェクト(China Suite Renovation Project)

这次的委托、我们会一起担当中国福建的公寓改装项目。 这次的改装会发挥日本的设计技术,同时展现出纽约的时尚却又不失日本风的设计。

Commonly,  condominiums in China have been sold to residents through their skeleton alone, therefore there are an increasing number of empty skeleton condomniums throughout the country.In Fujian, China, we began a renovation project inspired with a sense of Japanese atmosphere, as well as a classic New York style – a combination we believe will trigger a new wave in China`s residential industry.Feature pieces include dynamic mortar stones on the wall, which work to recreate a Japanese style, and floating kitchens with rattan pendant lights on the table as made by Japanese artisans.



ニューヨーク 受賞式典参加(The Award Ceremony at NewYork)

The award ceremony was held at Cooper Hewitt Smithsonian Design Museum in NYC where some of the greatest architectural minds and opinion makers from  around the world.

クーパー・ヒューイット国立デザイン博物館(Cooper Hewitt Smithsonian Design Museum)


弊社設計が海外建築アワード受賞(American Architecture Prize)

Our Work of「TENGOKU」which was completed in OCT. 2015 got award in American Architecture Prize. The award ceremony will be held in NYC where some of the greatest architectural minds and opinion makers from around the world.

今年度アメリカで開催された世界の建築賞(American Architecture Prize)におきまして、弊社で設計させていただきました「天国朝生田店」が入賞致しました。10月末にニューヨークにて受賞式典が開催されます。


JCDデザインアワード100選に選出されました。(We are elected in the international deseing competition)


Our design work which was completed in last year was elected in the international design award.